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The first Hungarian News TV

Since yesterday theoretically HírTV also known as the Hungarian CNN reaches more than a million households. The question is whether or not this is the TV channel Viktor Orbán was talking about when he referred to the splitting of public television or he still maintains the necessity of creating a TV for the political right. Although the staff of HírTV contains people close to the political right it does not mean the channel is biased, said Gábor Borókai Director General. 
István Ujhelyi (MSZP): we shall see what happens, but in the light of the antecedents and circumstances it is questionable that the channel can make itself independent from Viktor Orbán. 
Annamária Szalai (FIDESZ): it’s not elegant to label politically the employees of a commercial television station prior to have watched even a single second of their program. 
Gábor Borókai (chairman of HírTV): I don’t know who’s investigating people’s political approach or sympathies. They don’t do it with other media such as newspaper editors either so it’s superfluous in the case of HírTV as well. 
Népszava, 2003.01.02


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